Soul and Life Force Retrieval

Soul Retrieval

October 12th, 7-9pm
October 13th and 14th10 am-5 pm

           In the Yungdrung Bön tradition, there are many rituals for healing and the restoration of peace and harmony.  Among them, is the ritual known as Lalu Chilu, Soul Retrieval, and Life Ransom.  This ritual is performed for those who have a diminished or damaged soul or life force.  The symptoms of this can be a loss of energy and/or interest in life, continually occurring misfortune, accidents or obstacles, an illness that cannot be diagnosed or cured with medical treatment, or an interruption of the lifespan that creates the circumstance for an untimely death, to name a few.  When these circumstances are caused by external negative forces, the Soul Retrieval and Life Ransom ritual are performed.  The Soul Retrieval ritual returns to us any qualities or elements of our soul that may have been separated from us and also reinforces the force and power of the five elements which are the foundation of our soul and life force.  The Life Ransom ritual communicates with any external negative force that may be causing or supporting the harmful situation.  Through the use of prayer and ritual offerings, the external forces are appeased and instructed to forever stop their harmful action.

Soul Retrieval         As in all ritual of the Yungdrung Bon tradition, the Lalu Chilu has as its foundation taking refuge in an Enlightened Being and the intent upon enlightenment for one’s self and others.  Ultimately,  restoring health and harmonious conditions provides a more supportive circumstance for our continued spiritual practice and development.

          Geshe Murig Nyima Kunchap is a master of Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen of the Bön tradition. He is the founder of the Dolpo Bön Society and the Nepal Bön Religion Association. Rinpoche received his Geshe degree in 1994 from HH 33rd Menri Trizin after many years of studying major philosophical texts as well as studying the sciences of Astrology, Astronomy, Poetry, Tibetan language and literature, Mandala creation, Thangka painting and stupa construction, ritual instruments, and the performance of ritual offerings. Geshe Kunchap has traveled widely giving teachings in the USA, Mexico, India, and Russia. He previously served as lecturer and Department Head of the Bönpo Department, Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, India.


1608 Bonita Road, San Pablo CA  94806


Donation for ritual $150
Turquoise Pendant cost: $25

As part of the ritual, you will need a turquoise pendant. You will need to order and pay for one in advance as part of your registration.  If you have one already from a past ritual, you can bring it to be reactivated. If you have your own stone, it needs to have a hole in it for a string to go through. Also, if you have a ritual arrow (Dadar), please bring that as well.  The Gyalshen store also sells ritual arrows.  Go here to purchase an arrow.
Lunch will be provided.  (Please avoid meat, garlic, and egg for one day prior to the retreat and during the retreat.)
In order to register, please go to both links below in order to register.  Unless you go to both links, you will not be registered.

Please pay for registration and for the turquoise pendant at this link. You can pay for both the registration fee there ($150) and also for the pendant ($25).  Just add $25 to the amount on the Paypal site if you need a pendant.

Please also RSVP at this link so that we may plan accordingly.