


Gyalshen Institute is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and revival of Zhang Zhung and Tibetan culture and traditions.  We are blessed to have Chaphur Rinpoche as our founder and spiritual director. Please join us at a teaching, meditation practice, or take a class to learn Tibetan and the language of the ancient kingdom of Zhang Zhung.

Upcoming Events

  • Astrological Reading
    ASTROLOGICAL READINGS for the TIBETAN YEAR 3161 (2025 in the Western Calendar). Dear Friends, We recently celebrated Losar, the beginning of the Tibetan Year 3161, which is  2025 in our Western calendar. 2025 is regarded by Tibetan Astrology as a very challenging year.  We have already felt serious challenges in every part of our  national and world wide  environment as well as  strong obstacles [more details]
  • March 29-March 30: Phowa Retreat
    Phowa Retreat (Transference of Consciousness) From Magyud/Mother Tantra  With Chaphur Rinpoche March 29-March 30, 2025  9AM-12PM Pacific Standard Time In response to the request of many students, Chaphur Rinpoche has generously agreed to give instructions on the practice of Phowa, or Transference of Consciousness. The ultimate benefit of this practice is to steady the practitioner’s mind at the [more details]
  • February 22-23, Tummo, Inner Fire Teaching
    Tummo, Inner Fire Teaching By Chaphur Rinpoche February 22-23, 2025. 8 am – 1 pm PST In Person and Via Zoom Join Gyalshen Institute’s sangha  for Tummo Instruction and  Practice.   Chaphur Rinpoche will lead practitioners in the preliminary and  core breathing practices from Shardza Rinpoche’s Tummo Text, “Self Arising Inner Kayas”. Tummo is a breathing practice central to Tantra practice and [more details]
  • Save the dates for Gyalshen events with His Holiness and His Eminence
    HIS HOLINESS MENRI TRIZIN LUNGTOK DAWA DHARGYAL RINPOCHE”S  SAN FRANCISCO, BAY AREA VISIT   Save the dates. Registration links soon. The Three Essence Mantras of the Bönpo Teaching and the Matri Empowerment. August 1-3, 2025 At Gyalshen Institute in the San Francisco Bay Area. Gyalshen Institute is very happy to announce that His Holiness Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Menri [more details]
  • Sipe Gyalmo Healing Empowerment For the Full Moon
    Sipe Gyalmo Healing Empowerment For the Full Moon Monday, January 13th,   2025, 8 am-9 am (PT) on Zoom  The supreme emanation of the protector deity of Yungdrung Bön, Sipe Gyalmo, not only protects but also blesses the practitioner with the power to heal.  This healing power has been transmitted continuously through the ages without interruption, from Yeshe Walmo, another aspect of Sipe Gyalmo [more details]

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Past Events

  • October  26-27, 2024 Teaching on Dzogchen, the 21 Nails.
    Teaching on Dzogchen, the 21 Nails. October  26-27, 2024  9AM-12PM  (PT) On Zoom  With Chaphur Rinpoche One of the innermost secret teachings from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud (Aural Transmission of Zhang Zhung). Each of the 21 nails describes an essential point of Dzogchen practice – Directly cutting through doubts about one’s Natural State by tracing the Nature of Mind back to its Source. The […]
  • June 9th: Longevity Empowerment of Tsewang Rigzin by H.E. Menri Ponlob Rinpoche 
    Longevity Empowerment of Tsewang Rigzin With H.E. Menri Ponlob Rinpoche  Sunday, June 9, 10am-12pm, P.T. In-person and by Zoom Please join us for this special and precious empowerment. The powerful blessings of the Longevity Empowerment of Tsewang Rigzin supports us in achieving a long life and nurtures a healing connection between mind, body, and soul. Chaphur Rinpoche especially encourages you […]
  • June 14-16th: Medicine Buddha Teaching and Initiation
    Medicine Buddha Teaching and Initiation June 14-June 16th H.E. Menri Ponlop Rinpoche will give a teaching on the Medicine Buddha including the Initiation on June 14-16, 2024 in Windsor Locks, Connecticut.    Ponlop Rinpoche will be accompanied by Chaphur Rinpoche of  Gyalshen Institute. Practitioners of the Medicine Buddha can address illness or poor health through meditation and visualization to […]
  • Menri Drubchen and Medicine Buddha Practice On the Full Moon
    Menri Drubchen and Medicine Buddha Practice On the Full Moon Tuesday, April 23rd,  8 am-9 am (PST)  via Zoom/Webinar  Tashi Delek Dear Bön Sangha!   Following thousands of years of the Bön tradition, the Drupchen is held once in the lifetime of each H.H. Menri Trizin and this Menri Drubchen Retreat is currently in progress. On this April full moon, during the Menri Drupchen Retreat, Chaphur […]
  • Menri Drubchen and Medicine Buddha Retreat:
    Menri Drubchen and Medicine Buddha Retreat: April 11th-26th, 2024 With Chaphur Rinpoche and Chaphur Tulku  Teaching days are April 11th, 13th, and 20th. Times: 8 am-9 am (PT) On Zoom  Chaphur Rinpoche will be at Menri Monastery participating in the Menri Drubchen ritual in early April.  The Menri Drubchen is based on the ancient Bön practices and rituals of the Medicine Buddha at Menri […]