Sunday, May 28, 10am-3pm (or whenever we finish)
Making Prayer Flags has always been a social event in Bon and Buddhist communities In Tibet.The native people made their own flags to honor the nature gods of Bon. They used colors of the five elements: blue for sky or space; white for air or clouds; red for fire; green for water and yellow for earth. They hung the flags over mountain passes and rivers to benefit all who would pass underneath.
The Wind Horse (Lung-ta) carrying the “Wish Fulfilling Jewel of Enlightenment” is the most prevalent symbol used on prayer flags. It represents good fortune. It signifies the uplifting life force energies and opportunities that make things go well. When one’s lungta is low, obstacles constantly arise. When lungta is high, good opportunities abound. Raising Wind Horse prayer flags is one of the best ways to raise one’s lungta energy.
The other main symbols that appear on the Prayer Flags are The Four Dignities, or the four animals. They are the Garuda, Dragon, Snow Lion and Tiger and are seen in the corners of many Tibetan prayer flags, often accompanying the Wind Horse. They represent the qualities and attitudes necessary for development on the spiritual path to enlightenment which include awareness, vast vision, confidence, joy, humility and power. Along with these symbols, the three essential heart mantras and the mantras of the five elements are printed on the Prayer Flags in order to benefit all beings.
If you have a Sewing Machine, please bring it to the workshop
Ordering Flags
If you can’t join in person for this event, please order flags through the RSVP google form
Please give us your shipping address and size. If you need a longer flag, let us know.
There are 3 types of flags available.
A 5 feet long Prayer flag has five colors and comes as either a Pole Flag or as Hanging Prayer Flag. Both types cost $20 when shipping within the US.
- A 10 feet long Prayer flag costs $25 when shipping within in the US.
Important: Once you have registered your name and shipping address in the google form, please return to the Gyalshen Website and pay by Paypal
Here is the link to our website.