Past Events

August 19-21: Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo, Part II, Trekchöd

, Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo, Part II, Trekchöd With Chaphur Rinpoche  August 19, 20 and 21,  2022    8AM – 11:30AM PT,  5PM – 8:30PM  CET.  On Zoom   This weekend continues the teaching of Shardza Rinpoche’s Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo with his Trekchöd teachings.  The Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo/Dharmakaya presents Dzogchen teachings very directly “for those of sharp faculties.” In this section on Trekchöd, Shardza begins with 

July 13th: Consecration Ceremony on the Full Moon

July 13th, 2022– Full Moon Ceremony–9-am to 11:00 am (PT) and 6pm-8pm (CET) on Zoom With Chaphur Rinpoche and Lama Samdup – Honoring the Bön Kangyur, Gyalshen now has a complete copy of the entire teachings of Tonpa Shenrab which comprise 179 volumes. –Consecration of  Gyalshen’s Tonpa Shenrab Statue, –Additional  blessings for  practitioners’ Bön statues at home. Please join us in celebrating the arrival of a complete copy of the precious

July thru September: Beginners’ Tibetan Class 

Gyalshen, Beginners’ Tibetan Class  With Lhasey Wangmo July thru September, 2022.  Beginning July 6th, every Monday and Wednesday, thru September 28th 7AM-8:15 A.M. (Pacific Time) and 4pm to 5:15pm Central European Time on ZOOM. Are you interested in learning the Tibetan language? Do you read the English transliteration of Tibetan buddhist prayers and wish you could understand what you are reading in its original form? If the answer is “Yes,”

June 29-July 3rd: 5 Tsa-Lung for 5 Days

The teaching from Ma-gyud or Mother Tantra  With Chaphur Rinpoche June 29th-July 3rd 8AM-9AM Pacific Time By Zoom   The Bön tradition of the Mother Tantra contains six classes, or paths, through which one can swiftly attain enlightenment. The first of these, called Thap Lam Cher, can  be roughly translated as taking the path to enlightenment. Perhaps it was given this name as it contains the majority of the practices