Past Events

A Three Day Silent Retreat སྙན་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་ལུང་དང་ཐུན་སྒོམ་ཉམས་ལེན།

March. 10-12, 2017 with Chaphur Rinpoche 10am to 4:30pm   Silence is powerful. During this silent retreat, Chaphur Rinpoche, will give the main transmission from the Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu. It is extremely important to receive the Dzogchen transmission in the Bon tradition if you wish to perform Dzogchen practice. Receiving transmission supports your practice energetically, and powerfully strengthens your connection to the lineage of previous Dzogchen practitioners and


Sunday, May 28, 10am-3pm (or whenever we finish) Making Prayer Flags has always been a social event in Bon and Buddhist communities In Tibet.The native people made their own flags to honor the nature gods of Bon. They used colors of the five elements: blue for sky or space; white for air or clouds; red for fire; green for water and yellow for earth. They hung the flags over mountain

The Three Essence Mantras སྙིང་པོ་རྣམ་གསུམ།

April 29-30 10am-4:30 In the Yungdrung Bön tradition, the three essence mantras or Nyingpo NamSum, collectively embody the entirety of the buddha Tönpa Shenrab’s teachings. It is said that the Yungdrung Bön teachings are like an ocean, which contains within it 84,000 different teachings.  These 84,000 can be condensed into the Nine Ways of Bön.  These Nine Ways can be further condensed into the three views of sutra, tantra and

Geshe Chaphur Rinpoche

May 12-14, 2017 with Chaphur Rinpoche 10am to 4:30pm Silence is powerful. During this silent retreat, Chaphur Rinpoche will give the main transmission from the Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyamgyud. It is extremely important to receive the Dzogchen transmission in the Bon tradition if you wish to perform Dzogchen practice. Receiving transmission supports your practice energetically, and powerfully strengthens your connection to the lineage of previous Dzogchen practitioners and teachers. All