Past Events

Lopon Rinpoche

With H.E Menri Ponlop Rinpoche OCTOBER 18-20, 2019 10AM-4PM We at Gyalshen Institute are very honored and excited to share the happy news of an upcoming October blessing.  His Eminence Menri Ponlop Rinpoche will be coming to the San Francisco Bay Area for the first time in nearly five years.  His Eminence has very graciously agreed to give us a teaching on Phowa or Transference of Consciousness.  The ultimate benefit

Silent Retreat (Five days)

Silent Retreat November 27-December 1, 2019 with Chaphur Rinpoche 10am to 4:30pm (Except on Thursday, November 28 from 10-12pm only) Silence is powerful. Through silence, one can more easily connect with the Natural Mind. During this silent retreat, Chaphur Rinpoche will give the main transmission from the Ma Gyud, or Mother Tantra. The transmission will be available live through Zoom as well. In the Bön tantric tradition, it is vitally

Monthly Dzogchen Ngondro Teaching & Practice

Monthly Dzogchen Ngondro Teaching and Practice With Chaphur Rinpoche  Every second Saturday of the month 4PM-5PM  (PST) Pacific Time            Dearest Bönpo Dzogchen friends! Chaphur Rinpoche will be giving teachings and guidance on Dzogchen Ngondro (the preliminary practices) once a month through ZOOM. While these teachings are useful for any level of practitioner, Rinpoche feels they are especially important for anyone who has not yet completed his or her

Takla Mebar Five Days Retreat 

Takla Mebar Retreat  December 27- 31 2019 10 am-4:30 pm Chaphur Rinpoche will be in personal retreat for the month of December. During that time, his practice will be focused on his personal Yidam, Takla Mebar.  Rinpoche has been deepening his connection with his family lineage Yidam each December for many years. This year all sangha members are warmly invited to join Rinpoche in doing these powerful, healing practices from