Blue Zambala and Sherab Chamma Wealth Vase (Yangbum) Rituals
August 28-29, 10AM-12PM Pacific Time
7-9 PM Central European Time on Zoom
Gyalshen Institute is pleased to announce that we have received several Yangbum (wealth vases) from Tibet that have been blessed by many Rinpoches, Geshes and monks from Nangzhig monastery. Chaphur Rinpoche will once again perform the two day Accomplishment of the Yang ritual to create wealth vases. This ritual was originally transmitted by Buddha Tönpa Shenrap as an antidote for the suffering of sentient beings experiencing a lack of well being.
Material well being in life gives us the opportunity for compassion toward others as well as sustaining the conditions for developing a successful spiritual practice. Within the teachings of the Nine Ways of Yungdrung Bön, there are rituals specifically performed in order to reinforce and increase well being and prosperity. These rituals are called Yang Drup, or accomplishment of the Yang. Yang means the force of prosperity and good fortune and includes wealth, harmonious and supportive relationships, merit, health, positive opportunities, and other desirable results.
These rituals strengthen the force of personal good fortune and good luck both by requesting the assistance of a wealth deity and also by calling back the energetic forces that may have become separated from the individual. As a way of anchoring this force of good fortune and good luck, a wealth vase is created which becomes a sacred receptacle for the wealth deity. This wealth vase, or yang bum, is filled with many kinds of precious objects, as well as mantras, and is sealed by the master. This vase can be placed in one’s home or business. Regular incense or water offerings as well as prayer and mantra recitation in front of the vase maintain a connection with the wealth deity. We will also perform Sherab Chama wealth rituals during the empowerment of the Yangbums.
As you both experience and regularly practice this ritual, we at Gyalshen are joining with you in joyful anticipation of the arrival and deepening of many expressions of prosperity in your life.
To register as a participant for ritual blessings. Please CLICK HERE.
If you wish to receive a Yangbum (wealth vase) from this ritual, please click the Paypal button below. The cost of the vase includes both the shipping cost from Tibet to Gyalshen and the mailing cost from Gyalshen to your home (for addresses in the USA). When you order a wealth vase, make sure to enter your name and full address. If your address is outside of the USA, we will contact you about international shipping costs after completed the wealth ritual event.
To order the wealth vase, please CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW.