The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen
September 25-26th on Zoom
8AM-10AM Pacific Time, 5-7 PM Central European Time
Dzogchen, also known as the “great perfection,” is considered the path of self-liberation and the highest form of teaching in the Yungdrung Bön tradition.
The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen is a powerful heart-essence teaching that offers a direct introduction to the clear, open awareness of the Dzogchen view as well as methods for maintaining this state.
The Seven Mirrors was directly transmitted by the Bon master Drenpa Namkha to Lungton Lhanyen in the 12th century. The Seven Mirrors is a short work of thirty pages, and thus it is ideal for a weekend teaching.
The seven mirrors gives quintessential instruction on the topics of: preliminaries, view, meditation, result, conduct, the teaching regarding the pure realms and the six migrations, and the ultimate summary of the teaching. As the Seven Mirrors states about its own teaching: This is the essence of the teachings: Like seeing your own face in a mirror, you will see the principle of the clear, innate self-awareness.
The seven mirrors are: 1. The heart mirror of the view 2. The heart mirror of the meditation 3. The heart mirror of the result 4. The heart mirror of conduct 5. The heart mirror that explains the pure realms and lands of samsara 6. The heart mirror of six-fold completion 7. The heart mirror that explains the benefit of meeting with this teaching.
Also, the lessons will be recorded and daily sessions will be sent out shortly afterwards.
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