Taking sleep and dreams as the Path of Enlightenment, A teaching from (Magyud) the Mother Tantra:
September 14, 8-9PM Pacific Standard On Zoom.
We spend a third of our lives sleeping, sometimes with dreams and sometimes without. This period presents a powerful opportunity to integrate deeply with the natural state, as we are not distracted by the external senses. However, most of us are unaware of our nature during this time, as we are habituated to our ignorance when asleep.
The teachings of sleep yoga and dream yoga from the Mother Tantra (Ma Gyud), are a path to recognizing the clear light while sleeping and ultimately during all moments of our existence.
Join us on Zoom, on September 14 (8-9pm) as Chaphur Rinpoche teaches from the Ma gyud on both of these yogas. He will also provide reference from his own experience as a practitioner.
Click here to register and pay your registration fee: ☛ LINK
Please register at least one hour before teaching begins. If you cannot join us, a recording will be available the next day.