tibetan translations

John Reynolds

December 7, 2014 – 10 AM – 4 PM – Unlike the other traditions of Dzogchen found within Bön, the Zhang-zhung Nyän-gyüd represents a continuous and unbroken transmission from earliest times of the precepts of Dzogchen coming down to our own time. These teachings and practices were transmitted by the enlightened master Tapihritsa to his disciple Gyerpung Nangzher Lödpo at the Darok Lake in the 8th century in Zhang-zhung, or

Gyalshen Translator Program

Friends, As many of you may know, one of the foundational goals of Gyalshen Institute is to preserve, translate and present the precious teachings of Bön. While we hope that we have been doing this with some measure of success over the past couple of years, our benevolent lama reminds us that there are always further means to more profoundly open to the teachings. With this goal in mind, Chaphur