November 22, 10-11 AM – Chaphur Rinpoche and Gyalshen Institute are pleased to announce a webcast with His Eminence Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche. On November 22, 2014, from 10 to 11 AM Lopon Rinpoche will present a teaching titled “The Power of Kindness”, to emphasize the healing power and blessing experience of generosity and compassion as personal practice in the path of Bon.
As practitioners we aspire not only to attain enlightenment for ourselves but also for all beings who suffer with the impermanence that is the nature of our existence as human beings. Through the practice of kindness we generate bodhichitta, compassion for all beings who exist in need of loving kindness. By acting in even small ways to express this aspiration, we manifest the intention for suffering to end. Opening the door of compassion can be as easy as opening the door for a stranger, or as effortless as a kind word spoken to a dear friend. This vast scope of care can be reached through the smallest instants of warmth.
Menri Lopon Rinpoche will offer insights into the practical ways we can express this immense power of kindness on a regular basis in our daily lives.
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