October  26-27, 2024 Teaching on Dzogchen, the 21 Nails.

Teaching on Dzogchen, the 21 Nails.

October  26-27, 2024  9AM-12PM  (PT) On Zoom 

With Chaphur Rinpoche

One of the innermost secret teachings from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud (Aural Transmission of Zhang Zhung). Each of the 21 nails describes an essential point of Dzogchen practice – Directly cutting through doubts about one’s Natural State by tracing the Nature of Mind back to its Source.

The teaching of the Twenty-One Nails is a direct expression of Enlightenment – our Natural Mind. Each Nail describes this Natural State from a different point of view. The views are called “Nails” or “Seals” because they stabilize ones experiential understanding of the Natural State. These teachings are said to have come directly from the Primordial Buddha, Küntu Zangpo, who then passed them down by direct mind-to-mind Transmission to eight successive Buddhas. It was then transmitted orally to 24 human Bön Lineage Holders, all of whom were yogis and siddhas who achieved the Rainbow Light Body.

In the 7th century Gyerpung Nangzher Lodpo set down the teachings in writing for the first time in the Zhang Zhung language after receiving them from Tapihritsa, the 25th Zhang Zhung Master, during their third and final encounter.

This Teaching has been transmitted in an unbroken succession of Lineage Holders down to our Teachers of the present day.

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