August 29-30 3PM-6:00PM Pacific Time on Zoom
The Bonpo teachings are deep like the ocean, particularly Dzogchen teachings. Many students of Bon are familiar with Dzogchen teachings from male lineage holders and may not be aware of the many female Dzogchen practitioners who have achieved enlightenment. These female enlightened beings are known as Dakini or Khandro. The Dakinis are real-life, female practitioners who have achieved realization of the Nature of Mind through Dzogchen practice here on earth. Dakini or Khandro lineage teachings are rarely taught in the west.
Therefore, Chaphur Rinpoche will offer instruction on the Heart Essence of the Thirty Signs and Meanings of the Female Lineage, The Mogyud ( Female lineage), from the Cycle of Essential Instructions of the Male and Female Lineages from the Bonpo Dzogchen teachings.
During this teaching, Rinpoche will give specific instructions on how the Dakinis or Khandros practiced and achieved realization of the nature of mind. Rinpoche will teach individual Dzogchen view, meditation, conduction and result (fruit). In addition, Rinpoche will also give instructions on the heart essence of the Khandro Dzogchen lineage practices and realization songs, originating all the way back to Gyalwa Kuntu Zangpo.
This retreat is open to students that have any level of familiarity with the Bön teachings. Please register at least an hour before the retreat begins. Register by clicking HERE Thank you.
The Zoom link will arrive 30 minutes before teaching begins. Also the Teaching will be recorded and sent out shortly afterwards.