Heart Drops of Dharmakaya: Rushan
With Chaphur Rinpoche
November 27- 29, 2020 8am to 11am Central European Time (CET)
The Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo (Dharmakaya), a very special Dzogchen teaching on realizing the nature of mind.
Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo is a text written by Shardza Rinpoche, one of the great Dzogchen masters of Yungdrung Bon. It is a particularly powerful, direct method of Dzogchen. It encompasses 4 sections: Rushan, Trekchod, Thogal and the Bardo.
Rushan literally means separation, specifically the separation between Samsara and Nirvana. During this first section of Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo, Rinpoche will give instruction on how to realize both samsara and nirvana through explanations on the differences among each of the 6 realms ( hell, hungry ghost, animal, human, demi-god and god realms) with more emphasis on the human realm.
Also, Rinpoche will expound on how precious the human realm is compared to all other realms, the rare and valuable opportunity available to practice in the human realm, the difficulty in being reborn as a human being and the preciousness of this human life.
The main focus of Rushan is the realization of our mind. Through practice, we can realize the mind is the root both of samsara and nirvana. In Rushan by visualizing each realm and what kind of mind exists there, , one is able to realize that all reflections, including the root of samsara and nirvana, are simply reflections of the mind. Only by gaining the understanding of the root of the mind, can one realize there is no suffering, no samsara, no nirvana.
Rushan is the preliminary practice of Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo. It is the foundational practice in reaching or attaining our inner Buddha nature, or our inner Kuntu Zangpo.
Through the practice of Rushan, we can transform our three doors of body, speech and mind into pure body, pure speech and pure mind. Our body transforms into the Trul-ku (Nirmanakaya) through the cleansing and purification of the body’s obscurations. Our speech is purified into that of a pure melody and transforms into the Dzog-ku (Sambhogakaya) through clearing the obscurations of speech. By purifying the obscurations of our mind, it transforms into the Bon-ku (Dharmakaya)
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The Zoom link will arrive 30 minutes before the teaching begins. This teaching will be recorded and sent out shortly after its conclusion.