With Chaphur Rinpoche
February 16-20, 2021 Tiem: 8-8:30PM Pacific Standard On zoom.
The practice of Chöd is widespread and considered of profound importance. The Tibetan word chöd (Tib. gcod) literally means “to cut, to stop”. At its most fundamental, the practice of Chöd is used to cut attachment and ignorance, thus developing the mind-stream and establishing confidence in the view.
This practice involves visualizing giving away the thing that we cling to most: our very own body. We openly give to the Four Guests: the enlightened beings, the protectors, the eight classes of gods and demons and to all beings of the six realms of existence.
However, the emphasis is upon giving to those who want to disturb or harm us because of karmic debts incurred through lifetimes of causing harm to others. In this way, we remove current or future obstacles and develop our qualities of compassion and generosity. For those who have mastered the practice of chöd and obtained the power of the practice, they have the ability to remove illness for others, subdue harmful spirits, and can see with clairvoyant knowledge. There are many Yungdrung Bön chöd practices and traditions.
In general, these can be classified as either peaceful, enriching, powerful or wrathful practices.
Chöd is traditionally practiced at night as this is the time when the obstructive spirits are most active. For this reason, Chaphur Rinpoche is offering to guide chöd practice on zoom for five consecutive evenings. This will provide an excellent opportunity to learn chöd or to deepen your practice of chöd if you have already received teachings on this subject

Please register by February 15th at the latest so that we can send you materials. The Zoom link will be sent an hour before the first class at 7pm Pacific Time.