Upcoming Events

 July 29 & 30: Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo, Part III: Thogal

Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo, Part III: Thogal July 29 & 30, 2023 9am-12pm PT and 6pm to 9pm CET on zoom. This weekend continues the teaching of Shardza Rinpoche’s Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo with his thogal teachings.  The Heartdrops of Kuntu Zangpo presents Dzogchen teachings very directly “for those of sharp faculties.” In this section on thogal, Shardza Rinpoche begins an explanation of the superiority of thogal approaches over

May 27- 28: Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo, Part II: Trekchod

Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo, Part II: Trekchod With Chaphur Rinpoche  May 27- 28, 2023 9am-12pm PT and 6pm to 9pm CET. in person and on zoom.  This weekend  Chaphur Rinpoche continues the  precious teaching of Shardza’s Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo by  focusing on the  Trekchod teachings.  The Heartdrops of Kuntu Zangpo presents Dzogchen teachings very directly for those of sharp faculties. In this section on Trekchod, Shardza begins

Tibetan classes: (Summer Semester 2023)

Basic Tibetan Reading and Translation Classes  Summer Semester 2023 With Yungdrung Norbu. Basic Tibetan Reading Class starts  May 16th and is held every Tuesday thru July 25th  Tibetan Translation Class starts May 18th and is held  every Thursday thru July 27th  7 am to 8 am (Pacific Time) on ZOOM.  The Basic Tibetan Reading Class of the summer semester 2023, consists of 3 months of lectures. Each Tuesday lecture is

June 3-4: Tummo Retreat

Tummo Retreat  With Chaphur Rinpoche June 3-4  9AM – 12PM Pacific Time (PT) in Person in the  San Francisco Bay Area and on zoom Tummo is a breathing practice central to tantra practice and very helpful for Dzogchen practitioners to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime, according to Shardza Rinpoche, an accomplished Dzogchen master of the 20th century.  The root text of Tummo was written and taught by Sangchok Tharthuk Gyalpo