Past Events

Trul Khor Tibetan Yoga

1st and 3rd Fridays – 7 PM – 8 PM – Trul Khor literally translates as Magical Body Movements and is a form of Central Asian Yoga. An essential support practice for meditation and health, this system has been passed in an unbroken oral transmission through centuries of Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu lineages. The core of the practice engages the body, mind and spirit of the practitioner in a series

The Path: Guidance on Meditation, the Practice of Clear Light

September 27-28, 2014 -10am – 4:30pm, This weekend will focus on meditation as it is presented in Drugyalwa’s Practice manual for the Aural Tradition of Zhang Zhung. These teachings include the methods of meditation and a step-by-step explanation of the thogal visions that occur on the path of Dzogchen. 1608 Bonita Road, San Pablo CA If you plan to attend this auspicious event, please RSVP or respond to so that we

Lopon Rinpoche

November 28 – December 2, 10am – 4pm Once again, we are blessed with a teaching from H. E. Menri Lopon Rinpoche. He has graciously agreed to give us the teaching on the Experiential Songs of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu Masters. The Dzogchen tradition of Zhang Zhung was transmitted mind-to-mind over nine generations, it continued to be transmitted as an aural transmission for twenty-four generations, and in each generation

Sipe Gyal Tskok Offering

August 24th – 11am – 3pm – The supreme emanation of the protector deity of Bön, Sipe Gyalmo, blesses the practitioner with power to heal.  This healing power has been transmitted continuously through the ages, without break, from Yeshe Walmo, who is another aspect of Sipe Gyalmo herself, to the Bön teachers of our present day.   Geshe Chaphur Rinpoche holds this lineage.  Merely being present at Sipe Gyalmo healing rituals