Past Events

Offering an Ocean of Milk to the Lu

May 2-4, 2014 – 10 AM – 5 PM – With visiting lama Geshe Murig Nyima Kunchap – Share in the blessings of an ancient Yungdrung Bon ritual for bringing harmony and healing. According to the Yungdrung Bon tradition, we share the earth with many unseen spirits who are affected by our actions. Among these spirits, the world of the lu (Sanskrit: naga) is closely linked to the human world.

Commentary from the Ma Gyu on Taking Dreams into the Path

June 28-29, 2014 -This weekend will teach both the theory and practice of dream yoga according to the Ma Gyu. 1608 Bonita Road, San Pablo CA 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Donation $125 If you plan to attend this auspicious event, please RSVP or respond to so that we may plan accordingly. As requested, we have now made it possible to make your admission donation via Paypal. The donation button for

Phowa Retreat

August 20-24, 2014 – 10 AM – 4 PM Daily At the request of students, Chaphur Rinpoche has generously agreed to give instructions on the practice of Phowa, or Transference of Consciousness. Although the ultimate benefit of this yoga is to steady your mind at the time of your own death, the practice can also be used to assist others in the same way.  Phowa is also performed by lamas