Past Events

Special Ceremony - Prayers for His Eminence Gyawob Rinpoche

December 15 – 1-4:30 PM – H. E. Gyawob Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche entered the bardo at Nangzhig Monastery in Tibet on November 22, 2013, at age 86. Because Gyawob Rinpoche was an important teacher to both Chaphur Rinpoche and Lama Yungdrung, we have a special karmic link to this noble practitioner. His exceptional kindness and profound wisdom are reflected in the very presence of our resident lamas here at Gyalshen Institute. 

Main Teaching Event Schedule for 2014

In 2014 the Gyalshen Institute will present in-depth teachings from two of Bon’s most important traditions: the Ma Gyu and the Aural Tradition of Zhang Zhung. From the Ma Gyu we will begin to explore the Six Methods as taught in the commentaries on the root tantras of the Ma Gyu. These Six Methods of the Ma Gyu, often compared with the Six Yogas of Naropa, present sophisticated methods for

Commentary from the Ma Gyu on the Path of Method

January 25-26, 2014 – The first of the Ma Gyu’s Six Methods is itself called “that Path of Method.” This path contains the teachings relating to the elements, winds, spheres, and channels of the body. This weekend will teach the Ma Gyu’s general framework for purifying the developing to the gross and subtle bodies. The practices of the five elements, the “tsa lung”, and tummo all have their basis in

The Base: Guidance on the View of Seeing Directly, Pointing Out Your Self Nature

March 29-30, 2014 – This weekend will focus on the pithy instructions for pointing-out your own self-nature as they are presented in Drugyalwa’s Practice manual for the Aural Tradition of Zhang Zhung. Such direct teachings include pointing-out the mother base-of-all, the son rigpa, the display of dynamic energy, and the inseparability of all of these. 1608 Bonita Road, San Pablo CA 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Donation $125 If you