Past Events

A-Kar Zhi-Chöd

A-Kar Zhi-Chöd  With Chaphur Rinpoche January 8-12 five nights 8-9PM (PST) on Zoom  The Tibetan word chöd literally means “to cut, or to stop” the ego and negativities. There are many Bön chöd practices and traditions. In general, these can be classified as either peaceful, enriching, powerful or wrathful practices. A-kar Zhi-Chöd is a peaceful Chöd which originated from the peaceful deity Gyalwa Dukpa and was taught by Nyamed Sherab

Dark Retreat Preliminaries (for 49 days)

Dark Retreat Preliminaries by Chaphur Rinpoche  (teachings from the Zhang Zhang Nyen Gyud)  Weekly on Saturdays, May 30th-July, 2020 11th 8PM-8:30PM (PST) (The retreat is on Zoom only. The retreat will be recorded.) The Bönpo Dzogchen traditions divide Dzogchen practice into two parts – trekchöd (cutting through), and tögel (leaping over). The latter comprises methods to enhance and elaborate on the inherent clarity of the natural state. The dark retreat is one of those methods.

Tsa Lung and Tummo 

   Tsa Lung and Tummo  with Chaphur Rinpoche    January 18th & 19th 10AM – 4:30PM (PST)        The Bönpo tradition of the Mother Tantra contains six classes, or paths, through which one can swiftly attain enlightenment. The first of these, called Thap Lam Cher, can  be roughly translated as taking the path to enlightenment. Perhaps it was given this name as it contains the majority of the practices that focus on the channels,

Long Life Prayers & Sipe Gyalmo Tsok  for  H.E. Yongdzin Rinpoche

Long Life Prayers & Sipe Gyalmo Tsok offering for  H.E. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche January 19th 4-5pm (PST) Tashi Delek to all members of the worldwide Sangha. As many of you are aware, H.E. Yongdzin Rinpoche, our most senior and most accomplished teacher in Bön, will turn 95 this year. Chaphur Rinpoche will lead the long life mantra of Drenpa Namkha as well as a Tsok offering to Sipé Gyalmo