Past Events

Butter Lamp Offering and Teaching on “The Path to finding Enlightenment”

Butter Lamp Offering and Teaching on “The Path to finding Enlightenment” Sunday, August 26 6:30 PM –7:30PM H.E. Bon-Gya Rinpoche recently passed into para-nirvana at Bon-Gya Monastery in eastern Tibet at the age of 83. Because BonGya Rinpoche was an important teacher to Chaphur Rinpoche, we here at Gyalshen feel that we have a special karmic link to this noble practitioner. His exceptional kindness and profound wisdom are reflected in

Stupa and The Enthronement

             Chaphur Rinpoche and the Gyalshen Board of Directors invite you to contribute to the erection of a stupa being built at Menri Monastery for the late H.H. 33rd Menri Trizin Lungtok Tenpai Nyima. We are coming up to the one-year anniversary since the passing of His Holiness. The extraordinary accomplishments of the Abbot in saving Tibetan Bön spiritual and cultural practices during his lifetime

Five Garuda Practice

Saturday, July 21st 6:30 pm PROGRAM: Chaphur Rinpoche will lead a practice based on the teaching of the  Five Garuda. The five Garuda practice supports the student in rising above all obstacles and obscurations. Rinpoche will guide and empower students to use this five Garuda meditation and mantra as potent spiritual medicine to overcome illnesses and to help restore healing balance for all beings. In the Bön tradition, the Garuda holds a special

Sherab Chamma (Wisdom Loving Mother)

Sherab Chamma (Wisdom Loving Mother) Zoom offering Taught by Chaphur Rinpoche Saturday, May 26th, 6:30 pm Pacific Time Zone (PST) PROGRAM: Chaphur Rinpoche will provide instruction in the recitation of the mantras, invocations, prayers, and visualization of Sherab Chamma, known as the Wisdom Loving Mother. Sherab Chamma is known as the Mother of all Enlightened Ones or Mother of all Buddhas. The Wisdom Loving Mother’s devotion to acts of love