Past Events

A Long and Joyful Life 

A Long and Joyful Life/Tsewang Rigzin on Zoom  Saturday, April 20th, 8-9 am Pacific Time  The great master of Bon, Tsewang Rigzin, is considered to have become the main long life deity of Yungdrung Bon.  He taught that clearing the soul of negative influences helps to increase the life span, heal the soul, and encourage a happy life. In a deep meditative state, Tsewang Rigzin received the special teaching about soul

Geshe Chaphur Rinpoche

Experiential Songs of Dzogchen/Shardza Rinpoche’s NyamGhur Saturday 16th February 8-9am Pacific Standard Join us this Saturday on Zoom, As Chaphur Rinpoche shares teachings on the experiential songs from several Dzogchen traditions. He will begin this class with songs from the Zhang Zhung masters, and conclude it with songs from Shardza Rinpoche of the early 20th century. The act of hearing and singing these songs provides a direct method to enter the effortless

CHÖD practice for five nights 

February 21-25 8-8:30PM Pacific Standard On zoom. The practice of Chöd is widespread and considered of profound importance. It is one of the four daily practices of generosity and is included in the foundational practices for the Dzogchen teachings of the Aural Transmission of Zhang Zhung. The Tibetan word chöd (Tib. gcod) literally means “to cut, to stop”. At its most fundamental, the practice of Chöd is used to cut

Chod Dakini

Cutting Ego: Through The Secret Chöd of the Khadro With Chaphur Rinpoche Saturday, September 29 6:30 pm pm Pacific Time (PT) On ZOOM Within the Yungdrung Bön tradition, the practice of Chö is widespread and considered of profound importance. It is one of the four daily practices of generosity and is included in the foundational practices for the Dzogchen teachings of the Aural Transmission of Zhang Zhung. The Tibetan word chö (Tib.