Past Events

Gaining Familiarity with Your Mind and Its Essence

Gaining Familiarity with Your Mind and Its Essence With Kurt Keutzer Saturday June 1, 2019. 10-4PM Bon Dzogchen texts such as The Twenty-One Nails and the Golden Instruction give beautiful instructions that point out the mind and its essential nature. However, these texts presume that the student has already become familiar with their own mind through meditation. This one-day retreat will guide students through a series of meditations that systematically

5 Element Practice

With Chaphur Rinpoche. Saturday, June 15th 8am-9am Pacific time through ZOOM Chaphur Rinpoche will teach the Five Elements practice by explaining the purpose and qualities of each element and then guiding participants in performing the Five Elements practices. The Five Elements are an integral part of Tibetan cosmology and essential to understanding the relatedness and interdependence of all things in the universe. The Five Elements (space/ether, earth, water, fire, and air)

Tibetan Translation Class

Tibetan translation class on Zoom With Chaphur Rinpoche Chaphur Rinpoche is offering a Translation Class to all his previous language students.  He will be teaching how to translate the ancient Bon texts, which is something needed in the West right now.  We need more Western translators, and this is an excellent opportunity to learn how to translate from Chaphur Rinpoche. There is a prerequisite.  Students need to have taken at

Sherab Chamma (Wisdom Loving Mother)

Saturday and Sunday, June 29th and 30th 10AM-4:30PM         PROGRAM: Chaphur Rinpoche will provide teaching and instruction in the recitation of the mantra, invocations, prayers, and visualization of Sherab Chamma, known as the Wisdom Loving Mother. Zoom is also available. /         Sherab Chamma (The Great Wisdom Loving Mother) is known as the Mother of all Enlightened Ones and source of all love and Compassion.