Past Events

Medicine Buddha

June 20, 2020 – 8am-9am (PST) Time in Pacific on Zoom  With Chaphur Rinpoche – The Medicine Buddha is a compassionate manifestation of Tönpa Shenrab, the great Enlightened One of Bön. The teachings of the Medicine Buddha are comprised of twelve volumes. Their history is presented in the sutra “Healing Method for Sickness and Affliction and Ignorance” from the “Mandala of King Medicine and Ritual Ceremonies for Enlightenment” text.  These

Message from Chaphur Rinpoche and the Gyalshen Board of Directors

  Dear Friends and Gyalshen Sangha, Tashi Delek and wishes for your good health and happiness. With the recent surge of the COVID-19 Coronavirus and in response to the requests of the San Francisco Public Health Department,  we have cancelled our  “in person”  celebrations and teachings. However, all scheduled teachings will be available on Zoom. On March 21st, Chaphur Rinpoche will teach the Sipe Gyalmo Healing Practice and powerful healing Mantra. 

5 Element Practice

5 Element Practice With  Chaphur Rinpoche April 28th Saturday-6:30pm Pacific time through ZOOM Chaphur Rinpoche will teach the Five Elements practice by explaining the purpose and qualities of each element and then guiding participants in performing the Five Elements practices. The Five Elements are an integral part of Tibetan cosmology and essential to understanding the relatedness and interdependence of all things in the universe. The Five Elements (space/ether, earth, water, fire,

3 Zoom Teachings in August:  A Tri Dzochen, Blue Zambala, and Medicine Buddha

A TRI DZOCHEN TEACHING by Zoom Saturday, August 10th 8-9:30am  Pacific Time    Following our 2 day retreat on A Tri Dzochen with His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin Rinpoche, Chaphur Rinpoche will lead us in the A Tri. The Atri, one of the most important spiritual traditions of Yungdrung Bon,  guides the practitioner through fifteen step-by-step sessions to stabilize the realization of the awakened awareness of primordial wisdom.   Based