Past Events

DU TRI SU Healing Mantra

With Chaphur RinpocheSaturday, October 10th, 4-5PM Pacific Time via Zoom Chaphur Rinpoche will be teaching on the powerful practice of DU TRI SU healing mantra. Through this important Bon practice, we follow “The Lamp that Dispels Darkness and Purifies Obscurations.” In so doing, we purify negative emotions and overcome both temporal and spiritual obstacles. Temporal obstacles are caused either by deep-seated negative karma or by the abrupt arising of a calamity such as sudden illness.

Celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of H.H. 33rd  Menri Trizin Rinpoche

Celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of H.H. 33rd  Menri Trizin Rinpoche Sept 12, 2020,  4:00 – 5:30 PT On zoom. Free to all who register Dear Friends and Sangha, Please join us in celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of H.H. 33rd Menri Trizin Lungtok Tenpe Nyima Rinpoche’s passage.  Together we will recite the Supplication Prayer to H.H. from the Bon Daily Prayers Book. Chaphur Rinpoche will explain, line by line, the deep

Taking Sleep and Dreams as the Path of Enlightenment

 This Teaching is from the Ma Gyud, (Mother Tantra) With Chaphur Rinpoche       September 26th, 6-7:30 PM, Pacific Time On Zoom                   We spend a third of our lives sleeping, sometimes with dreams and sometimes without.  This period presents a powerful  opportunity to integrate deeply with the Natural State, as we are not distracted by the external senses. However, most of us are unaware of our True Nature during this time, as we

Heart Essence of the Dakinis

HEART ESSENCE OF DAKINIS August 29-30 3PM-6:00PM  Pacific Time on Zoom The Bonpo teachings are deep like the ocean, particularly Dzogchen teachings. Many students of Bon are familiar with Dzogchen teachings from male lineage holders and may not be aware of the many female Dzogchen practitioners who have achieved enlightenment. These female enlightened beings are known as Dakini or Khandro. The Dakinis are real-life, female practitioners who have achieved realization