Past Events

June 26-27, The Heart Drops of Dharmakaya: Part IV Bardo

Heart Drops of Dharmakaya: Part IV: Bardo: With Chaphur Rinpoche June 26-27, 2021 8am-11am (PT) on Zoom  5pm to 8pm Central European Time (CET)   These two days will focus on discovering of the Bardo from Shardza’s Heart Drops of KuntuZangpo. Our lives are filled with beginnings and endings – as each moment passes, a new one appears to take its place.  Nothing stands still.  What happens during the process

CHÖD practice for five nights

With Chaphur Rinpoche February 16-20, 2021 Tiem: 8-8:30PM Pacific Standard On zoom. The practice of Chöd is widespread and considered of profound importance. The Tibetan word chöd (Tib. gcod) literally means “to cut, to stop”. At its most fundamental, the practice of Chöd is used to cut attachment and ignorance, thus developing the mind-stream and establishing confidence in the view. This practice involves visualizing giving away the thing that we cling

Clearing Obstacles  Promoting Vibrant Health

Friday, January 1st on zoom (Free registration)  Register early by Thursday, December 31st Dear Sangha and Friends,  As 2020 experiences it’s twilight moments, we are reminded of the many challenges our world has faced this year. 2020 brought us a worldwide pandemic, wildfires and other ecological catastrophes, the struggle for justice and economic hardships. It has been a difficult year for many.  We at Gyalshen would like to express our

Medicine Buddha Teaching

Medicine Buddha Teaching January 2nd, 2021,  6am–7:am  (PST) Time in Pacific on Zoom  Chaphur Rinpoche and Chaphur Tulku Tsewang Rigzin – The Medicine Buddha is a compassionate manifestation of Tönpa Shenrab, the great Enlightened One of Bön. The teachings of the Medicine Buddha are comprised of twelve volumes. Their history is presented in the sutra “Healing Method for Sickness and Affliction and Ignorance” from the “Mandala of King Medicine and