Past Events

Medicine Buddha Teaching on the Full Moon

Medicine Buddha Teaching on the Full Moon November 19th, 2021,  10am–11:am  (PST) Time via Zoom/Webinar  Chaphur Rinpoche and Chaphur Tulku/Geshe Tsewang Rigzin – The Medicine Buddha is a compassionate manifestation of Tönpa Shenrab, the great Enlightened One of Bön. The teachings of the Medicine Buddha consist of twelve volumes. Their history is presented in the sutra “Healing Method for Sickness and Affliction and Ignorance” from the “Mandala of King Medicine

Tummo, Inner Fire Teaching 

Tummo, Inner Fire Teaching  By Chaphur Rinpoche November 27-28,  2021. 9am – 11am PST Via Zoom/Zoom/Webinar   Join Gyalshen Institute’s sangha  for a 4 hour Tummo Instruction and  Practice.   Chaphur Rinpoche will lead practitioners in the preliminary and  core breathing practices from Shardza Rinpoche’s Tummo Text, “Self Arising Inner Kayas”. Tummo is a breathing practice central to Tantra practice and very helpful for Dzogchen practitioners in achieving  enlightenment, according

October 20th, on full Moon Tsa-Lung and Five Elements Practice   

Tsa-Lung and Five Elements Practice    October 20th, Full Moon Practice  With Chaphur Rinpoche 10am to 11am (PT) and 7pm to 8pm Central European Time (CET) on Zoom        The Bönpo tradition of the Mother Tantra contains six classes, or paths, through which one can swiftly attain enlightenment. The first of these, called Thap Lam Cher, can  be roughly translated as taking the path to enlightenment. Perhaps it was given this name

July 28–August 1st Dzogchen Instructions on the Golden Essence (Summer Retreat)

Dzogchen Instructions on the Golden Essence (Summer Retreat) With Chaphur Rinpoche July 28–August 1st  2021  7:30am to 11am and 8pm-9pm (PT)  4:30pm to 8pm and 5am to 6am Central European Time (CET) on Zoom  Drenpa Namkha gave the first Dzogchen oral transmission of the instructions on the Golden Essence (Dzogchen Serdam) to his disciple Shensye Lhaje in the 8th century. Since that time, it has been closely guarded as one