Gyalshen Institute

Lopon Rinpoche

November 22, 10-11 AM – Chaphur Rinpoche and Gyalshen Institute are pleased to announce a webcast with His Eminence Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche.  On November 22, 2014, from 10 to 11 AM Lopon Rinpoche will present a teaching titled “The Power of Kindness”, to emphasize the healing power and blessing experience of generosity and compassion as personal practice in the path of Bon. As practitioners we aspire not only to

Menri Lopon Empowerment

November 23, 2014 11-3pm – The great master of Bon, Tsewang Rigzin, is considered the main long life deity of Yungdrung Bon.  He taught that clearing the soul of negative influences helps to increase the life span, heal the soul, and encourage a happy life. In a deep meditative state, Tsewang Rigzin received the special teaching about soul healing.  It was transmitted to him by the dakini, Yum Chen Thuk

U Stream Webcast: Dzogchen Teaching by Chaphur Rinpoche

We have had many requests from people who live outside the San Francisco Bay area to arrange access to Gyalshen Institute teachings via the Internet. Well, good news! Chaphur Rinpoche has agreed to give a 90 minute webcast during the upcoming The Base: Guidance on the View of Seeing Directly weekend. The webcast will be on Gyalshen’s new U Stream channel on Sunday, March 30, 2014, from 10:00 AM to