March 6th: ​​Sipe Gyalmo Healing Empowerment For the Full Moon


Sipe Gyalmo Healing Empowerment For the Full Moon

March 6th 2023, 8am-9am (PT) on Zoom

5pm to 6pm, Central European Time (CET)

 – The supreme emanation of the protector deity of Yungdrung Bön, Sipe Gyalmo, not only protects,  but also blesses the practitioner with the  power to heal.  This healing power has been transmitted continuously through the ages without interruption, from Yeshe Walmo, who is another aspect of Sipe Gyalmo herself,  to Bön teachers of our present day.   

Merely being present at Sipe Gyalmo healing rituals blesses one with the energy of healing. Receiving the transmission of the teaching allows students to cultivate their own powerful  healing energies by means of  the Sipe Gyalmo practice.

Chaphur Rinpoche will culminate in the transmission of the  Sipe Gyalmo Empowerment to his students and other practitioners.


Please register by the afternoon of March  5th  at the latest so that we can send you practice  materials.  The Zoom Link and Handouts (on dropbox)  will be sent on the evening of March  5th.