Dzogchen Instructions on the Golden Essence (Summer Retreat)
With Chaphur Rinpoche
July 28–August 1st 2021 7:30am to 11am and 8pm-9pm (PT)
4:30pm to 8pm and 5am to 6am Central European Time (CET) on Zoom
Drenpa Namkha gave the first Dzogchen oral transmission of the instructions on the Golden Essence (Dzogchen Serdam) to his disciple Shensye Lhaje in the 8th century. Since that time, it has been closely guarded as one of the most important Bön Dzogchen teachings, and has only been transmitted to a select group of practitioners.
This teaching gives clear instructions on how to conduct one’s life from the view of Dzogchen – a boundless mind which is clear, powerful and contains full enlightenment within its scope. As Drenpa Namkha said, “Whoever is connected with this instruction, having understood as consciousness the sound, light and rays and having realized the empty essence of the nature of mind, may you be primordially awakened in the space (dbyings) of the nature of Bon.”
Chaphur Rinpoche will impart these precious instructions, which are now being shared in the West. It is our wish that the blessing inherent in receiving this teaching is open to all. Everyone is welcome to join us for this Summer Teaching and Retreat.
This Summer Retreat is open to students that have any level of familiarity with the Bön teachings. All are warmly invited to attend via Zoom. Please register by July 26th. Also, the retreat will be recorded and daily sessions will be sent out shortly afterwards.
Our Summer Retreat will be conducted according to the Bön tradition. Daily retreat practice will include the 4 Generosities (offerings) daily: Sang Chöd (purification offering), Chutor ( water offering), Sur Chod (burnt food offering) and Chöd (offering of the body).
Please click below to Register: