Medicine Buddha Teaching
January 2nd, 2021, 6am–7:am (PST) Time in Pacific on Zoom
Chaphur Rinpoche and Chaphur Tulku Tsewang Rigzin
– The Medicine Buddha is a compassionate manifestation of Tönpa Shenrab, the great Enlightened One of Bön. The teachings of the Medicine Buddha are comprised of twelve volumes. Their history is presented in the sutra “Healing Method for Sickness and Affliction and Ignorance” from the “Mandala of King Medicine and Ritual Ceremonies for Enlightenment” text. These teachings place physical wellness in the context of spiritual enlightenment.

Practitioners of the Medicine Buddha can address illness or poor health through meditation and visualization to free themselves from obstacles in life to increase and protect their wellbeing. By incorporating the practice of the Medicine Buddha into your personal life, you can open yourself to the experience of mental and physical healing qualities. This benefits not only yourself, but others and the environment.
During this teaching instruction, we will cover the important points of the Medicine Buddha teachings, give the transmission for the practice and recitation of the mantra and explain the history of the Medicine Buddha in the Bön spiritual tradition.
Chaphur Tulku Tsewang Rigzin will give instruction on the essential points of both the offering and the ritual. Also, he will guide us step by step through the offering itself. He will be broadcasting from Menri Monastery, Medical Temple.

About Chaphur Tulku Geshe Tsewang Rigzin
Chaphur Tulku Tsewang Rigzin was recognized by His Holiness the 33rd Menri Trizin Rinpoche as the reincarnation of Chaphur Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Later, His Holiness requested that the young Chaphur Tsewang come to Menri Monastery in India to complete his education at the dialectic school.
Chaphur Tulku Tsewang Rigzin received his Geshe degree in 2019 from Menri Monastery. While he was a student, he served as president of the Bon School of Dialectics. Currently Geshe la is focusing his studies on Bönpo and Tibetan medical texts, as he is studying at the Bön medical college in Dolanji to become a Tibetan doctor.
All levels of practitioners are warmly welcome.
Please go to this LINK to register. The email for the class will arrive 30 minutes before teaching begins.