Sipe Gyalmo Tsok Offering at your place!

Sipe Gyalmo Tsok Offering at your place!

Sipe Gyalmo Tsok Offering at your place! 

November 21, 6pm – 7:30pm Pacific Time 

Chaphur Tulku Geshe Tsewang Rigzin 

For many of us this year has been an especially stressful time as 2020 has brought the difficulties of a worldwide pandemic,  increasing political strife and for many, the acute sufferings of social injustice. 

The perspective of Tibetan medicine and spirituality suggest that these traumatic events pose a danger to each individual’s la (life force). When one’s la is damaged, one may experience profound depression, a decrease in energy  and a loss of interest in the activities of life one previously enjoyed,

Sipé Gyalmo is the supreme emanation of the Bönpo protectors, an enlightened protector who  blesses the practitioner with the power to heal.  This healing power has been transmitted  through the ages, without interruption, from Yeshe Walmo (who is herself an aspect of Sipe Gyalmo), to the Bön teachers of our present day.   

Merely being present at Sipe Gyalmo healing rituals blesses one with the energy of healing. Receiving the transmission of the teaching also allows students to cultivate their own healing energies through the Sipe Gyalmo practice.  During this event, we will offer tsok as a display of respect and as a request for her blessings.

Chaphur Geshe Tsewang Rigzin will give instruction on the essential points of both the offering and the ritual. Also,  he will guide us step by step through the tsok itself. He will be broadcasting from Menri Monastery in Dolanji.

About Chaphur Tulku Geshe Tsewang Rigzin 

Chaphur Tulku Tsewang Rigzin was recognized by His Holiness the 33rd Menri Trizin Rinpoche as the reincarnation of Chaphur Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen Rinpoche.  Later, His Holiness requested that the young Chaphur Tsewang come to Menri Monastery in India to complete his education at the dialectic school. 

Chaphur Tulku Tsewang Rigzin received his Geshe degree in 2019 from Menri Monastery.  While he was a student, he served as president of the Bon School of Dialectics. Currently Geshe la is focusing his studies on Bönpo and Tibetan medical texts, as he is studying at the Bön medical college in Dolanji to become a Tibetan doctor.

For those who would like to participate, please come prepared with the following ritual implements: The handouts and images will send you.

1. An image of Sipé Gyalmo 

2.  An image of the Sipe Gyalmo Mandala  

3. Red wine and tea 

4. Two small cups or glasses.

5. Offering spoons

6. Fruits or other food offerings for the ritual feast.  

The Zoom link will arrive 30 minutes before the teaching begins. This teaching will be recorded and sent out shortly after its conclusion.

Please register by clicking the button below and type in the names of anyone for whom you would like to request ritual blessings.