By Chaphur Rinpoche
OCTOBER 31,2020. 6:00 – 7:30 PM PACIFIC TIME
OCTOBER 31, 2020, During the Auspicious Full Moon
As a result of experiencing heightened and ongoing stress during the Covid 19 Pandemic and the escalating and relentless sufferings of social injustice, tremendous numbers of people are experiencing multiple illnesses combined with strong negative emotions. Symptoms include a severe decrease in energy, a loss of interest in activities of life previously enjoyed,

the experience of multiple obstacles and accidents, the occurrence of illnesses not able to be diagnosed or treated with current medical interventions and the sudden arising of circumstances of untimely death. In Tibetan Cosmology the clustering of these experiences are referred to as the Loss of Soul or Life Force.
The most powerful means of healing is the Tibetan Soul Retrieval Ritual along with an internal rebalancing of the 5 Elements in each participant. In Tibetan medicine, each disease is described in detail and an imbalance of the 5 elements of Space, Air, Water, Fire and Earth. These elements are the essential building blocks of all phenomena expressing an energetic quality and taking a physical form. Each element needs, supports and effects the other elements. Together they provide a cohesive whole within an individual being.

When the Five Elements are out of balance, illness, negative emotions and disharmony manifest.
Chaphur Rinpoche will instruct us regarding the very precious essence of both the Soul Retrieval Ritual and the Five Elements Practice.
When you register for this teaching, your donation , as well as the names of those you would like to be included as recipients of the ritual blessings, will be forwarded to the monks at Nangzhig Monastery and will be included in their healing ritual.
The Zoom link will arrive 30 minutes before teaching begins. Also the Teaching will be recorded and sent out shortly afterwards.
Please register by clicking the button below and type in the names of those for whom you are requesting ritual blessings.