A Long and Joyful Life/Tsewang Rigzin on Zoom
Saturday, April 20th, 8-9 am Pacific Time
The great master of Bon, Tsewang Rigzin, is considered to have become the main long life deity of Yungdrung Bon. He taught that clearing the soul of negative influences helps to increase the life span, heal the soul, and encourage a happy life.
In a deep meditative state, Tsewang Rigzin received the special teaching about soul healing. It was transmitted to him by the dakini, Yum Chen Thuk Je Kundrol. The teaching itself was identified as Tse Du Jha Ri Ma, which is composed of the long life empowerment rituals, soul retrieval, and life force retrieval. The related Long Life rituals help to facilitate healing and bring harmony. Chaphur Rinpoche will discuss this ritual with the aim of enabling the participants to understand how to achieve a long life and to heal the connection between body and soul.
Once you register, the Zoom link will be sent to your email 15 minutes before the class begins.
**Please register more than an hour before class begins or we cannot send you a link before the class. So please register early. **
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