Dzogchen Teaching and Help & Protection from the Sipé Gyalmo
With Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche
August 12-13, 2017 10am-4-30
Advice for Dzogchen Practitioners from Lord Tapihritsa
Gyalshen Institute will host Advice for Dzogchen Practitioners from Lord Tapihritsa and Help & Protection from the Queen of Existence, Sipé Gyalmo by the supreme Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Among the teachings of Dzogchen, Complete Perfection, the teachings of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyü are very unique. They were never hidden as terma during times of persecution and therefore the transmission remains direct and unbroken in descent through living masters. Within this special Dzogchen lineage, there is profound advice directly from a manifestation of Kuntu Zangpo in the form of Tapihristsa. This heart advice of Lord Tapihritsa guides the student directly to the point, introducing them to the natural state of their own mind and liberating their experience. This advice is categorized within:
The Four Goodnesses
The Five Practices
The Four Leavings in the Ultimate Nature
The Three Kinds of Confidence
By practicing this advice, the practitioner can have the vividly clear experience of abiding in the natural state beyond doubt. From that, this teaching supports the practitioner in developing trust in this abiding nature and gives advice on developing stability in the meditation which leads to the final result, liberation.
Help & Protection from the Queen of Existence, Sipé Gyalmo
Within the Yungdrung Bön tradition, there are many protectors who offer support and protection. Chief among these protectors is the enlightened deity, Sipé Gyalmo, Queen of Existence. Uniquely, she is both a yidam and a protector. Principal deity within the female lineage, her prayers and offerings are performed daily in Yungdrung Bön Monasteries.
She is called upon to remove external, internal and secret obstacles for both practitioners and for the religious tradition. In this way, she protects health, prosperity and spiritual development as well as supports our success in whatever we want to accomplish.
During this teaching, Yangton Lama Tashi Rinpoche will introduce us to the protector Sipé Gyalmo and give instructions regarding her prayers and offerings. There will also be a feast offering, tsok, where Sipé Gyalmo and her retinue are invited to bring their blessings and support. By performing the feast offering, we delight the deities and strengthen our own connection and openness towards this enlightened source of support and protection.
Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche was born into Yangton lineage in 1954 in the remote region of Dolpo, northwest Nepal. He is the Head Lama of Yanggon Thongdrol Phuntsog Ling Monastery. Lama Tashi is known as an accomplished meditator and scholar. Lama Tashi received his Geshe degree in 1986 graduating from the first class of geshes at Menri Monastery. After receiving his degree, he returned back to his native village. There he constructed Yanggon Thondrol Phuntsok Ling Monastery in 1988. He relocated the temple in 1993, and constructed a prayer-wheel room, kitchen, monk’s residence and treasure room (storeroom), thus reestablishing a perfect environment for the three-year retreat practitioner and practitioners in general.
Gyalshen Institute is very honored, fortunate and delighted to host Lama Tashi Rinpoche. Space is limited. An early registration and payment will guarantee your opportunity to receive these precious teachings and blessings. Looking forward to sharing this deep connection to our Bon lineage with you.
Suggested Donation: $135 Lunch will be provided. Suggested Donation to join by Zoom, $60 for both days.
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