

The presence of a highly trained and accomplished geshe resident in the Bay area is a rare blessing. Many Bön groups in the United States rely on visiting teachers, who may not be able to come every year. Thanks to Chaphur Rinpoche, the Gyalshen community has ready access to both. We need to find a place to host this precious opportunity.

Chaphur Rinpoche has worked tirelessly not only to bring his vision for Gyalshen Institute into being, but has done so in an environment of financial uncertainty. To expand our programs into a dedicated teaching space and provide for the living expenses associated with having teachers, Gyalshen Institute asks you to make a commitment of financial support.

We have established a PayPal account where you can send a one-time or regular monthly donation. We encourage you to consider offering a monthly amount so we can plan ahead. If, for example, 25 people  commit to donating $50 a month, we have the real possibility of making progress

As we develop publications, individual donors can subscribe as supporters of translated Bön texts or other teaching materials, credited in the publication. We will advise in the future about a program for sponsorship for individual monks, nuns, and Tibetan children.

To support these goals, you can send a donation via credit card or Paypal via the below form, or mail a check to Gyalshen Institute at Post Office Box 1608 El Cerrito, CA 94530. THANK YOU!

PLEASE NOTE: According to the Internal Revenue Service, donations made for the purpose of registering for a teaching or other event are not tax deductible. All other donations over a total of $100 given in a calendar year will receive an tax acknowledgement letter if you have provided Gyalshen Institute with an address where you can receive mail.



Many hands make light work!

Chaphur Rinpoche has been assisted this past year by a small group of hard working and dedicated people. Due to the vigorous success of Gyalshen Institute, we are seeking more people to lend a hand with both program events and the backstage administrative tasks that keep a non-profit organization at work.

Let us know what time you have available and what you are able to do. If you would like to consider joining our endeavor as a regular volunteer, please contact us! f


Phone: 510-2379489

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